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On Call

There is nothing worse than being on call. You have to be ready for work just in case they call so you sit on your hands during the time they may call you. It's a no win situation. Rarely when they call you do you go in and are actually needed because the time you get there the rush is over and you are left maybe grabbing one table and cleaning the dirty tables of people who have ate and left. This hurts because someone else made all that money and you are being called in just to help clean the mess and probably do side work that is piling up in the dish pit area. Yet if you are not called in you got ready for work and put aside all plans. So your time was spent not making any money at all and not doing anything you wanted to do either. A total waste of time. My wife was on call yesterday and was not called in. Apparently it got busy enough that she could have been called and got some tables. Then she goes in for the evening shift and is told they could have us
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22 Years Ago Today

Twenty - two years ago today my wife came to Canada. How time flies! I remember that day vividly. I was living in Victoria B.C. and she was flying to Vancouver airport. I left Victoria in the morning and got a hotel room in Vancouver for the night as her flight was not arriving till 11:00 at night. On August 24th we got married in Victoria. In all my life this was the best decision I ever made. She has been a great partner and mother to our kids. She is my rock for sure especially with what I have been going through the past year and a half. Always positive. Thank you for being you!

Happy Father's Day

I am the guy who had the blog waiterextraordinaire for about 9 years or so. Exactly one year ago today I left my job as a waiter because I couldn't do my job anymore without it doing more harm than good to my body. Thus I deleted the blog and everything else including my YouTube  account since drinking beer and wine was not going to help with my health issues. I figured you cannot be a waiterextraordinaire and not be a waiter, right? But a year later I find myself trying to find things to do around the house so I have restarted blogging only this time naming the blog formerwaiterextraordinaire which only makes sense. My wife works at a popular chicken restaurant in town and she is always coming home with stories on how the place is run so that can give me some good writing ideas and of course as well as my ongoing wrestling match with my health. While my wife works today I am stuck inside with my two sons afraid to go out with the humid ex over forty Celsius and having m